Designing of greenfield and
brownfield civil projects related to onshore and offshore port for: container
terminal, solid and liquid bulk, general shipment, shipyards, marinas, etc,
including structures of: quay, pier, mooring and berthing dolphins, platforms,
access bridges, storage yards, road and rail access, among others.
Among works
developed, we highlight:
Projects elaborated in different detailing levels, according to the stage of the enterprise studies at the moment. One of the main differences between these phases is the detailing grade of the studies for the construction CAPEX refinement, in which cost estimates can fluctuate: Conceptual (±25 a 30%); Basic (±10 a 15%); and Detailed (± 5%).
Technical studies elaboration and executive methodology projects to be executed. In this study, several variables that affect directly the definition of equipment for its execution are evaluated within safety standards, in order to meet the schedule and also the job cost. There are some methodologies that can be used to build a port structure, some of them are with: the cantitraveller system, barges and jack-up. During the process of choosing the best alternative to be used, some variables must be considered, such as environmental forces and construction processes of the solution adopted.
Defined the executive methodology to be applied in the job, the temporary structures will be designed. They are usually metallic structures, which allow easy execution, modulation, ease transport and installation, retrofitting and reusability, besides the facility in finding local companies for its execution.
Initial studies elaboration of a port implantation, evaluating the technical, economic and environmental aspects, in which the following topics are analyzed:
In order to define the best mooring solution, the study of ship’s mooring evaluates a system capable of absorbing several environmental conditions (wind, waves and currents), as well as the loads acting on the devices and cables. This analysis considers the translation movements: longitudinal (surge), transversal (sway) and vertical (heave); and rotational movements: around the longitudinal axis (roll), around the transversal axis (pitch) and around a vertical axis (yaw).
Due to the great energy (mass in movement) with which the ships reach a port berthing system, there is the necessity of a complete study about the best system that will absorb this energy and the reaction transmitted to the berthing structure. The performance of a fender considers from energy to the performance of the rubber compound, according to the environment aggressiveness to be installed.
CAPEX estimation for port project implementation, considering market values and prices, also with the objective of subsidizing future decisions for the project, its feasibility and planning.
Repair solutions studies, reinforcement and maintenance of structures for lifetime warranty or improvements for new conditions of use such as: introduction of new equipment, larger ships, deepening dredging and others.
Technical field visit for structures survey (inspection) and structure assessment in order to present the anomalies found, causes, procedures and design for recovery.
Through the analysis of field work survey and computational numerical models, it is possible to reproduce the behavior of a given region and then define project critera, such as: significant wave heights, currents, siltation rate, design of coastal breakwater structures, spikes and jetties. Its dimensioning includes, besides drawings and calculation memory, the verification of slope stability, definition of the project dimensions due to overtopping, and also the definition of the ideal and necessary length of these coastal structures to protect internal areas.
It is possible to develop studies for each project situation, in which solutions can be studied for several inclinations of slopes, size and weight of rocks and, depending on the height wave variation, design several structure segments that result in economic savings on the construction site. Due to hydrodynamic studies, it is possible to elaborate the executive methodology and both sequence of its execution itself and of the adaptation and recovery of its structures.
Solutions for the recovery of beaches and coasts through analysis and compilation of field information, such as: bathymetry, topography, soundings, oceanographic data, computational numerical modeling, others. With this information, it is possible to define the best restoration and recovery project, as well as analyze coastal stabilization; definition of deposits, at sea or on land, concurrently with the executive methodology for each alternative.
Dredging and Underwater rock removal design, with the definition of the best and most suitable equipment available.
With the environmental conditions defined (flow and intensity of the currents, waves, others), the characteristics of the vessels, number of routes, navigation speeds, among others, it is possible to define an initial layout of the waterways, including: navigation canal, evolution basin and berthing area. With the aid of navigation simulators, it is possible to optimize the project of waterways in order to identify possible improvements for safe navigation, thus defining the widths of the navigation canal, radius of curvature, diameters of the basin and depths, in a way that meets all safety standards.
Once the waterways have been defined, the dredging/demolishing project is carried out, in which are presented the dredging/ demolishing mask, cross sections, volume calculation, definition of the best equipment (cost/benefit) on the market, technical specification of these equipment, productivity studies considering the place to discard materials and CAPEX estimation. In addition to the above presented items, for the demolishing projects are also elaborated: fire plan, definition and dimensioning of demolishing equipment, job execution plan, security plan, others.
Based on the waterways design, the nautical signaling project is elaborated, in which are presented the types of each signaling, painting, lantern, anchoring, etc.
Elaboration of a dredging plan for the job execution, complying with the schedule, design criteria and environmental licenses, as well as the definition of the best way of contract and measurement of the activity. Development of a monitoring plan, with guidance on methods and frequency of field work survey.
Paving projects, including Special Structures, such as viaducts, bridges, trenches and intersections, together with their respective complementary projects.
Railway design, including Special Structures, such as viaducts, bridges, trenches, level passages and intersections, together with their respective complementary projects.
INFRAS ENGINEERING has a team of trained and experienced professionals for each type of large-scale project, divided into the following areas:
For dredging and Underwater Rock Removal works, are required professionals with experience in large equipment (different types of dredgers), bathymetry and knowledge of the operation and control of dredging and material launching, and with facility to use specifics software’s for calculating volumes of water.
Coastal protection jobs require professionals with knowledge of heavy equipment, such as large cranes. Knowledge in spreadsheets is also necessary to fully control of the progress of the jobs and knowledge in Rigging and security plan.
In construction, restoration and/or expansion of port terminals, INFRAS has experienced professionals in large-scale jobs, in structural design of port jobs, executive methodology, pile driving equipment and cargo handling and knowledge of planning and execution control and of monitoring the progress of works.
Structural design for industrial and commercial buildings, in reinforced concrete or in metallic, including complementary projects.